Balinese Massage

Balinese Massage in Ulwe Navi Mumbai

Details-Balinese Massage

Is your mind and body lacking harmony? If yes, then your body is in desperate need of a thorough Balinese massage. This traditional Indonesian massage hails from Bali, a destination that is popular for the travelers coming from different parts of the world. When searching for SPA offers in Ulwe Navi Mumbai, you will get to find most of the Spa offering this body massage package.

It involves full body massage and is ideal for people who are cautious about their body right from the foot to the scalp. The massaging method consists of gentle relaxing strokes along with an application of ‘pressure point’ stimulations. The professional therapists begin with treating the legs followed by firmly moving towards the arms and the back and finally reaching the scalp. Application of skin rolling, gentle stretches, stroking and kneading along with pressure point stimulation further stimulate the blood flow, energy, and lymph.